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  Comics in Hungary 

Hungary is a country where comics are not traditionally famous.

At the moment, there are comics of various types and genres, always considering the limits of the internal market, made up of a few thousand fans.

I could not compare it to the Italian situation, given that the comic here only became public domain after 1989, previously it was not tolerated. Before 1989, however, there were re-editions of the classics of literature (Hungarian and foreign) in comic version, but nothing to do with Italian serial production.

 Ordinary waste management 

Each public and private building has its own bins for separate collection of paper (blue lid), plastic and aluminum (yellow) and basic waste - wet and unsorted (green or brown) and are usually located on the ground floor of each apartment building or complex.

In some supermarkets it is possible to return plastic and glass bottles and receive a small refund. The brands that are accepted are usually mentioned next to the machines. In addition, there are collection points for glass, plastic/metal and paper distributed throughout the various districts of the city.The map of collection points can be consulted here.Containers for glass only are indicated in purple, containers for glass, plastic, metal and paper in yellow.

 Glass recycling 

Glass is recycled based on its colour: clear and coloured, there are collection points located within the city.


Glass collection points/containers

Clear glass includes empty clear bottles, jars, glass beverage bottles, baby food glass containers.


IT DOES NOT INCLUDE:the glass of windows and mirrors, light bulbs, spectacle lenses, glass bottles containing medicines.

 Batteries and electronic waste 

In addition to landfills, there are many places in the city that accept batteries for recycling. Practically at the entrance to every supermarket (it is not necessary to go through the access turnstiles) there are the classic yellow-green battery-shaped containers, in which it is possible to throw flat or disused batteries.

RE'LEMis a non-profit organization that has put together all collection points in one site.

To find the point closest to you, select “Budapest” in the “Megye” category and select the “Település/kerület” district in the drop-down menu.

E-waste is accepted by various non-profit organizations and in specialized shops in Budapest such as:

On theFKF websiteyou can find collection points with addresses and timetables for large-scale waste disposal. Here you can bring certain types of hazardous waste that require special treatments due to the type of materials they are made of, such as:

  • Batteries

  • Electronic waste (computers, televisions, monitors, smartphones or mobile phones)

  • Used oil with the package (motor oil, cooking oil, etc.)

  • Solar panels (2 -3 panels, quantity from residential homes)

  • Polystyrene

  • Electrical waste (refrigerators, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, DIY machinery, garden machinery)

  • Led lamps, light bulbs

 Waste 'GREEN' 

In Budapest, "green" waste (leaves, mowing waste, pruning of thin branches) is collected once a week on specific days and time slots which can be consultedHERE

It is important that this waste is placed in front of the property in a visible corner no later than 5 am on the day indicated on the online site.

Furthermore, the material to be disposed of must be contained in special envelopes (Kerti Zöldhulladékgyűjtő-Zsák) displaying the FKF Nonprofit Zrt logo. The bags are biodegradable and should be used quickly after their purchase considering their perishability.


If the materials are not contained in the appropriate envelopes, they will not be collected.


Where can you buy the envelopes?

  • Auchan, SPAR, OBI

  • FKF customer service office in Pest (cash only payment)

  • IX. Ecseri út 8-12

  • FKF customer service center in Buda (payment by cards only) II. Fo utca 47

We also recommend checking your borough's websites because some neighborhoods give out a certain number of free household bags once a year.​

Large-scale waste disposal – Lomtalanítás

Once a year each district of Budapest organizes the mass disposal of a series of objects present in the apartments or houses that the owners want to get rid of, these include:

  • items (not junk) that have become obsolete and no longer needed in the home

  •  mobile

  • mattresses, carpets, suitcases and bags

  • sports equipment (skis, canoes, etc.)

What can't be thrown away:

  • generic garbage

  • rubbish such as paper, plastic, metal, glass, etc.

  • debris or demolition remains

  • tyres, earthenware, tiles, soil, coal, ash or waste from the textile industry

  • e-waste


How to join:
You can leave your waste in front of the front door of your home, the area must be easily accessible to the vehicles of the local company which will collect the objects, and must not obstruct the passage of bicycles, cars and pedestrians.

Herethe link to check the day Lomtalanítás is organized in the various districts during the year.

 Disused objects to be donated 

In addition to waste, it is also possible to donate objects still in fairly good condition that have become obsolete in the home but can still be used and useful to someone else such as:

  • objects and equipment for children 

  • toys

  • sport equipment

  • furniture

  • books
  • kitchen items
  • decor items

Objects brought to Reuse Centers can be collected by anyone interested, by paying a small amount relating to storage costs which can vary from 100 to 10,000 ft depending on the size of the object.

Reuse centres:


 Hazardous Waste Disposal 

Waste deriving from construction or demolition activities

  • XVIII. Jegenye Fasor 15. – hulladékudvar

  • XV. Károlyi Sándor út 166.- hulladékudvar​

  • XXII. Nagytétényi út 335.- hulladékudvar

Automobile tyres

  • XV. Károlyi Sándor út 166.- hulladékudvar

  • XXII. Nagytétényi út 335.- hulladékudvar


Paint and containers

  • XXII. Nagytétényi út 335.- hulladékudvar

  • XV. Károlyi Sándor út 166 - hulladékudvar



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Office address:

2462 Martonvásár, Budai út 3.
Tax number: 18205169-1-07

Bank account number:  16200151-18547955

Registration number: 01-02-0014203

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